Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Arrrr! Pink be in Me eye!

Lately, at school, I've been looking much like a pirate. I contracted pink eye and was forced to wear an odd looking eye-patch all day as I taught the liddl'uns. The eye doctor told me I would have a puffy, swollen, blood-shot, itchy right eye for another 7-10 days...and that it might very possibly spread to my left eye...yay! He prescribed me two different types of eyedrops, a bunch of pills, and a nighttime cream. Fun stuff. My co-teachers tell me I look like a boxer. The pictures below show my eye as wide as I can open it and my assortment of meds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

today it spread to my other's been a not so fun day at work. both my eyes are swollen, my right is is SUPER swollen...its hard to see, actually, and feels like there's sand packed up under my eyelid...kinda like when you are swimming in the ocean and a wave crushes your face down into the sand and you feel the water and sand force your eyelids open and invade your eyes...kinda like that...but just constantly :)