Sunday, September 2, 2012

Adjushi (아저씨)

아저씨 pronounced "aw - djuh - she" is a Korean word used to describe the "middle-aged man" the "sir" or  the "uncle." When you hear this word there are automatic connotations associated with it... connotations which reflect upon the said person's behavior, speech, attitude, and dress; things that can only truly be understood if you have spent a measurable amount of time in Korea. Now, I'm not one to stereotype or label...but this is pretty spot on for MOST Korean adjushis.

Below is a classic adjushi example. This is the disaster zone left behind by a herd of them at a wedding...and this was no crazy party wedding...this is what occurred within 30 minutes of them sitting down, eating, and leaving. These days it has just become something that makes one smile...which is why I'm blogging about it today...a little bit of a language/cultural lesson doesn't hurt anyone! I hope you can visit Korea someday and see the wrath of the adjushis firsthand; it's something you don't wanna miss.

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