Monday, October 22, 2012

Wandering 48 Hours

This past week I wandered around about scouting for filming locations. Found these cool abandoned waterways and tunnels. Had a bit of fun exploring them. Would be a cool place to film a "Post-apocalyptic" film. They say the Mayan Calendar is expecting SOMETHING to happen on December 21st of this year...end of the world? Well, if my faith means anything to me then I know I'll only believe it if it happens according to the Word. So, honestly, you've gotta always be ready for anything...Jesus was a surprise to about 99.9 percent of the Jews 2,000 years ago, right? And they were the "Chosen" people...
This past weekend I participated with some of my co-workers and another team as a camera man for the 48 hour film festival. So we spent our day shooting in a cool cafe/dinner place called "Big Bread." The owner was super nice, offered us complementary coffees, pastries, and dinner. It was a fun refresher working with a team of fairly experienced filmmakers. Most of my stuff in Korea the past two years has been fully independent with people not really experienced helping me out (and I truly appreciated their help, just it was nice to talk the filmmaking lingo again). We turned in the film on time, finished the Korean translation for general audiences, and we'll see how we do.
But, to say the least, all this filmmaking has gotten me pumped up. I'm jazzed to get filming on some of my own projects now.

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